'In office forever': Trump's Project 2025 partner calls for ending presidential term limit

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump talks to supporters during a campaign rally at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel on January 17, 2024 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Conservatives are advocating to repeal the U.S. Amendment that limits presidential terms, prompting President Joe Biden's campaign to warn an election year victory for former President Donald Trump could allow him to remain "in office forever."

Biden-Harris HQ shared on X Friday an article from the American Conservative, a blog partnered with the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 policy initiative that calls for, among other actions, filling civil service jobs with Trump loyalists.

"If a man who once was president returns ... to deny him the right to run for a second consecutive term cuts against basic fair play," the argument states. "Don't let questions of Trump's age in four years fool you. Trump in 2028!"

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American Conservative's argument targets the 22nd Amendment, which limits a president to two terms in the White House and was adopted in 1951 after former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected to a historic four terms.

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Author Peter Tonguette is a frequent contributor to the American Conservative and the Washington Examiner, according to the watchdog group that initially flagged his 22nd Amendment argument, Media Matters.

"The case of Donald Trump, however, makes an even more forceful ethical argument against the twenty-second Amendment and for its repeal," writes Tonguette. "If, by 2028, voters feel Trump has done a poor job, they can pick another candidate; but if they feel he has delivered on his promises, why should they be denied the freedom to choose him once more?"

Media Matters notes American Conservative's partner Project 2025 carries significant Republican weight behind it with backing from the Koch network and promotion from Trump's former White House strategist-turned-Rumble host Steve Bannon.

The Biden campaign's warning went viral Friday, garnering more than 55,000 views in under an hour and receiving comments from both sides of the political spectrum.

X user Bad Hombre celebrated the idea and suggested he'd like to see a century of Trump in the White House, writing, "Good. Trump 3024!"

But the majority appeared to agree with Outspoken, who reminded readers of Trump's notorious promise to be a temporary "dictator," which only renewed comparisons to authoritarians such as Adolf Hitler.

"Dictator on day one," they wrote. "NOT going to happen."

"This should scare everybody," added @FourYearsBetter.

"If that surprises you," added Greg Sanderson, "then you haven't been paying attention."

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