'Revoke his bail': Experts call for Trump to be jailed after Biden violent imagery stunt

Former U.S. President Donald Trump appears in a Manhattan court during his arraignment on April 4, 2023, in New York City. - Seth Wenig/Getty Images North America/TNS

Donald Trump found himself in hot water after he posted controversial imagery on social media.

Early on Friday, the former president posted a video that depicts a large truck with several "blue lives matter" flags and pro-American signage. On the back of the Truck, is a mural of Biden bound and on his side.

That caused an uproar on social media.

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But this might be more serious than Trump simply upsetting the left, or "owning the libs."

Former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance suggested there could be serious consequences for Trump.

"I know from experience how the Secret Service interacts with people who make threats against POTUS, even ones they can't carry out. This, from a former President, is totally out of bounds. It's time to stop letting Trump break the rules. Long past time," Vance said after the report circulated.

Veteran Philadelphia Inquirer reporter and columnist Will Bunch simply said, "Revoke his bail."

Political science scholar Tim Hogan said that, if the Secret Service "does nothing about Trump's violation of federal law making a threats against the POTUS [the Department of Homeland Security] head should fire the director of Secret Service and refer the matter to the DOJ for charges. Because Trump is out on bail, he should likely be held pending trial."

"Trump should be in custody," he added.

Investigative journalist Victoria Brownworth said, "Yikes!"

"On [Good Friday] Trump posted an image on Truth Social of Biden bound with rope in the back of a pick up truck," she reported on Friday. "How many ways does this guy have to tell you what his plans are? Never forget Trump tried to have his own VP killed on January 6."

Even actor Jon Cryer chimed in, saying, "Our disgraced former president, an adjudicated rapist and fraud, currently under indictment w/ 88 felony counts, just posted photos of a supporter portraying violence against his political rival on his social media."

"If you’d read this 10 years ago, you wouldn’t have believed it.," the former co-star of Two and a Half Men said on Friday. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Trump just did this WHILE HE IS OUT ON BAIL."

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