Germany's Baerbock urges Easter peace marchers to remain non-partisan

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has warned those participating in the country's traditional Easter peace marches against one-sided partisanship with regard to the Gaza war.

"People in Israel must not be pitted against people in Palestine," Baerbock told Germany's Funke media group. Humanity is indivisible, she said.

"Anything else is extremely dangerous," she added.

"And we must not play off our desire for peace against peace in Ukraine."

For more than 60 years, demonstrations against nuclear weapons and in favour of peace have been held at Easter. The main day of action is Holy Saturday, when around 70 events have been announced in Germany.

"Of course, in the face of suffering and fear, it is sometimes easier to simply ignore one side or one type of suffering. But that doesn't make the brutality of war go away," says Baerbock.

She said people who do not give in to populism and black-and-white thinking in these brutal times give her hope at Easter.

"We must never give up hope, because otherwise ruthlessness will prevail in the world."