Several people leave Dutch cafe amid hostage drama

Police and emergency services arrive due to an incident in the center of Ede. Several people were taken hostage in a cafe in the Dutch city of Ede near Utrecht on Saturday. ANP/dpa

At least three people were on Saturday able to leave a café at the centre of a hostage-taking drama in the Dutch city of Ede.

Those who left the building were three young people wearing the café's uniform, public broadcaster NOS reported.

However, the situation was "not over yet," police wrote on the platform X, formerly Twitter.

According to NOS, it was not certain whether the three were in fact hostages.

The police said previously that there were no signs of a terrorist motive in the hostage-taking on Saturday morning.

Police and emergency services arrive due to an incident in the center of Ede. Several people were taken hostage in a cafe in the Dutch city of Ede near Utrecht on Saturday. -/ANP/dpa