**by Don Hermann


A young NYPD Officer, Jonathan Diller, 31, was shot and killed this week doing his job. Protecting us.

He was everything you would want in an officer. He loved his job.He was dedicated and considered “A cops’ cop.”

His enthusiasm and dedication carried over to his family. He was married with a one-year old son. A wonderful future ahead of him.

The pain of loss is so painful. And personal. Some people adjust, some never recover from the loss. There’s no right or wrong.

Unfortunately, I can speak from experience. I lost a wife, daughter and two younger brothers.

This isn’t about me. In a way, it’s not about Officer Diller. It’s about Donald Trump.

The tragedy of Officer Diller’s death zeros in on Trump and his narrow, cruel, self-centered make believe approach to life.

It shines a light right on Trump. In the book “ART OF THE DEAL” he was quoted as saying “I PLAY TO PEOPLE’S FANTASIES”.

Think about the similarity of serving in the military and serving as a police officer. You’re protecting us, the citizens and the country.

Your life is on the line. The many wars that have been fought and won have protected our Democracy. The sacrifices made, the lives lost have made America what it is.

Here comes Donald Trump belittling those extraordinary individuals who have given their lives so a Trump can shoot his mouth off diminishing their and their family’s sacrifices.

While they’re shooting guns and being shot at, Trump is shooting blanks out of his mouth. An example, as President, he cancelled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018. He blamed the rain, claiming “the helicopter couldn’t fly.” He said the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Both lies.

Apparently he was concerned that his hair would be disheveled in the rain. Plus he didn’t believe in the importance of honoring the American war dead. (From four people with first-hand knowledge of the conversation.)

Furthermore he was quoted as saying “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” On the same trip he was heard as saying that the 1800 plus marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood were “suckers” for getting killed.

He has continued to denigrate members of the armed forces by requesting that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades. (Jeffrey Goldberg,The Atlantic.)

Here is a man who ran from the draft after being Classified 1A, fit to serve. According to the Doctor who gave a fake diagnosis of 4F, physically unfit to serve with bone spurs.

Back to the parallel of Police Officers. They’re at risk every day just like the soldiers in combat. In the mind of a sick cowardly individual looking to build himself up, Officer Diller’s death provides Trump with an opportunity to be the Swivel Head he’s known as.

Rather than call the Police Officer a loser or sucker for getting killed, he was laughingly the concerned, sympathetic, understanding supporter.

One could almost applaud the response. Hearing it from the mouth of Donald Trump, instead generates a feeling of anger, uncleanliness, hostility, nauseousness.

Get your tranquilizer out, along with your Pepto, here is the quote from the mouth of Mr. Sympathetic.

“To Officer Diller’s family and all the other brave men and women of law enforcement who put their lives on the line every day, we love you, we appreciate you and we will always stand with you!”

Mr. Low Life exceeded a new high. He got even lower. Not a surprise for him.

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