24-year-old’s Ibrox “mistreatment” claims come under the microscope after surprise appearance

As Nnamdi Ofoborh came off the bench for Swindon on Friday night, Rangers fans would’ve immediately had their heads turned.

The now 24-year-old spent two devastating years in Glasgow after signing a pre-contract with Rangers alongside then Bournemouth teammate Jack Simpson in 2021.

Whilst Simpson struggled to make an impact on the Rangers squad, Nnamdi Ofoborh’s story is substantially more complicated and there’s no-one who takes joy in the situation.

Nnamdi Ofoborh plays for Swindon Town

With Rangers uncovering a heart issue, Ofoborh never kicked a ball at Ibrox in two excruciating seasons as his dream move quickly turned to a nightmare.

Now back in the game following his release from Rangers by “mutual” consent last August, Ofoborh has stayed true to the promise of ‘pursuing a career elsewhere’.

Having only just been announced by Swindon on Friday afternoon, the former Nigerian youth international came off the bench with five minutes to play in the club’s 2-1 win over Notts County.

It is an appearance three years in the making for the former Wycombe Wanderers loanee, who last played a competitive game with the Chairboys, coming off the bench in a 1-0 win over Preston in the English Championship.

Rangers took no risks amid “mistreatment” claims

The moment brings into focus comments made by Nnamdi Ofoborh about his time at Rangers, prior to his release from the club.

Slamming what the midfielder described as “mistreatment”, the ex-Rangers star posted a now deleted social media post which insisted the truth will “come out” back in March 2023.

“Two years, two operations, hundreds of appointments,” said Ofoborh. “Silent on the situation so I look like the bad guy, all the mistreatment of the last two years will come out.”

There’s clearly been a clash of opinions on the situation at some stage and Rangers took the route they thought was best for Nnamdi Ofoborh at the time.

Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images

Ofoborh – who obviously has some support in this regard – clearly disagrees and Swindon Town have weighed things up themselves and backed the midfielder.

Obviously, we wish Nnamdi Ofoborh all the best and hope that he goes on to have a lengthy and rewarding career.

But even if the midfielder goes on to play for Real Madrid, given the circumstances it’s hard to blame Rangers for the approach they decide to take.