'That's insane': Trump slammed for 'comparing his plight to that of Jesus' before Easter

Jesus Christ and Donald Trump (Renata Sedmakova / Shutterstock.com, Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Donald Trump just shared an article comparing himself to Jesus, one day before Easter celebrations.

Trump, who has long been accused of narcissism that equates to blasphemy for some Christians, on Saturday posted an article to his Truth Social platform that makes the religious comparison. Truth Social is the ex-president's social media company, which recently went public but is expected by some experts to tank.

The article that Trump shared is titled, "The Crucifixion of Donald Trump."

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"One of the basic tenets of the law is determining who the victim is. There quite literally doesn’t appear to be one in the New York case, but the judge rendered a guilty verdict anyway. The judge determined a penalty in the staggering amount of $455 million. With interest, Trump was told he had to pay $464 million within 30 days, regardless of whether he intended to appeal. If he failed to secure payment or a bond to guarantee the amount, New York would seize Trump-owned properties," according to the article published on March 28. "Much like Pilate tried to placate the mob by merely beating Jesus nearly to death, the judge 'relented' by lowering the bond required to a paltry $175 million and gave Trump an additional 10 days to secure it."

Conservative Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein flagged the share by the ex-president.

"Trump just shared an article comparing his plight to that of Jesus," Henlein wrote before quoting the name of the piece. "That's insane."

Henlein goes on to suggest that Christians shouldn't vote for Trump over President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election later this year.

"But please, go on about how Christians must vote for this guy," he wrote on Saturday.

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