POLL OF THE DAY: Is the Union flag a symbol of the far right? VOTE HERE

Labour campaigners are refusing to hand out promotional leaflets ahead of the General Election that bear the Union flag as they claim its colours are associated with far right groups.

MPs belonging to Keir Starmer’s party admitted that showing the flag could be “detrimental” in areas with large ethnic minority populations who associate the flag with far right groups such as the National Front.

The party is reportedly trying to boost its chances by targeting disenchanted Tory voters who hold patriotic ideals, particularly in “red-wall” areas.

“We are all really proud of our country but this can be a complex issue for some communities and we have to navigate that more carefully,'” one MP told the Guardian.

“For a lot of communities, we are talking about colours that are associated with the National Front or another far-right group.”

The MP continued to admit that “segmented branding” with different materials should be used in areas where the flag might be viewed negatively.

Another MP said: “I can see how it would work in some places but it's definitely detrimental in university towns, and in heavily BAME (Black, Asian, minority ethnic) seats.”

Keir Starmer

One South Coast councillor also admitted: “I've seen boxes of the leaflets being piled up because activists don't want to give them out.”

However, a Labour spokesman said: “Keir's changed Labour Party is positive, progressive and patriotic.

“The Union flag is something we are proud to carry.”

Is the Union flag a symbol of the far right? Have your say in our poll above.