'They sabotaged me': Nancy Mace attacks ABC News while defending Trump over 'rape' claim

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) (Fox News/screen grab)

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) blasted ABC News and defended Donald Trump against allegations that he raped writer E. Jean Carroll.

During an interview that aired Sunday on Fox News, host Howard Kurtz asked Mace about her criticism of ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, who asked her how she could support Trump while herself being a rape victim.

Mace responded with fury, claimed she had been "rape-shamed" and urged Trump to sue the network for defamation — which he has now done.

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"What was it about the questioning by George Stephanopoulos asking how you could possibly support Donald Trump that made you so angry?" Kurtz wondered.

"I brought my underage daughter with me," Mace recalled. "I never would have had her on set or in studio if I knew that George Stephanopoulos was bringing me on ABC News to talk about my rape. I thought it was completely inappropriate. I got totally sidelined with that question because I was there to talk about 2024."

Mace said ABC News broke an agreement to focus on the 2024 election.

"But at the same time, it really exposed the left because if you don't succumb to their ideology or prescribe to the way that they think, if you don't think the way they want you to, they will bully you," she insisted. "They will shame you. They'll shame you over being raped."

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"As a man, George Stephanopoulos tried to mansplain rape to me," she added. "I don't need some man telling me how I should feel about rape. I don't need some man telling me as a rape victim that I can't vote Republican and vote for the man I believe that can save our country."

Mace said that Stephanopoulos "sabotaged" her by playing a video of her discussing her own rape.

The South Carolina lawmaker also refused to acknowledge that a judge found Trump raped Carroll by the commonly used definition of the word. A jury found liable of sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll, but the judge later stated that it was rape under “common modern parlance.”

"I didn't want to watch it, but instead, it was 10 minutes of bullying, 10 minutes of rape shaming, 10 minutes of saying that Donald Trump was convicted of rape when he never was," she opined. "He was never held liable for rape, was never convicted of it, and basically saying, you're a rape survivor, you have to vote for a Democrat."

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