'It feels coordinated': Experts say there's something fishy about latest MAGA outrage

Donald Trump via AFP

Political onlookers and media professionals are suggesting MAGA world's latest outrage is coordinated.

Trump along with major Republican figures and even MAGA social media influencers joined together just before Easter to condemn Joe Biden's White House for purportedly making "Trans visibility day" the same day as Easter. The problem, as even Fox News pointed out, is that Biden didn't choose that date.

The rapid, widespread promotion of an obvious falsehood left many questioning how it happened.

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Charlotte Clymer, an Army Veteran and a writer who works for the Human Rights Campaign, had this to say:

"Hey, so, political journalists, ain't it kinda strange that the entire rightwing media apparatus + most of the GOP are all talking about this one thing that's so obviously nonsensical on its face?" she asked. "It feels coordinated, right? Isn't this where y'all start asking questions?"

In a follow-up post, she wrote, "Or can we get, like, one really good question and an actual demand for an answer to that question? Like as a treat? Pretty please?"

John Stempin, a producer for NPR, gave his two cents:

"The RNC releases a talking points memo most days. They’ve done it for years," he said. "It goes to Congressmen, party faithful and a version is usually spun off to preferred media. [For what it's worth], The Trump organization now controls the entire RNC apparatus so you’ll probably see more of this."

Former Trump campaign aide A.J. Delgado also chimed in:

"Did anyone else notice that all the big right-wing accounts were ALL tweeting about Biden/TransDay/Easter within the same hour time-frame? Shows they are coordinating."

Joshua B. Hoe, host of the podcast Decarceration Nation, added to the discussion:

"They do the same thing every day, yesterday it was that Biden did a fundraiser instead of attending the wake for Officer Dillard (that he wasn't invited to)....every single account sends some version of the same tweet....there must be a GOP email messaging list and someone who picks the 'message of the day,'" he said.

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