Russia uses false narrative of UA involvement in terror attack to demand arrest of SBU head Malyuk

Crocus City Hall

"Traces of the recent terrorist acts lead to Ukraine," Russia’s Foreign Ministry claimed, citing purported “evidence” following investigations.

Read also: Why Russia is trying to blame Ukraine for Crocus City Hall attack: expert opinion

The ministry “demanded” that Ukraine cease its “support for terrorist activities” and to arrest all those involved in the Crocus City Hall shooting, specifically naming Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) head, Vasyl Malyuk.

Russia has been after Malyuk for some time, as the Kremlin accuses him of involvement in attempted sabotage of the Crimean Bridge in Oct. 2022.

In addition to the Crocus City Hall terror attack, Russia’s Foreign Ministry blamed Ukraine for several other incidents inside Russia.

Read also: HUR debunks Kremlin's claim of Crocus City Hall shooters heading to Ukraine

Among them are the death of propagandist Daria Dugina, the alleged deaths of five individuals due to the sabotage of the Crimean Bridge, and an explosion at a café in St. Petersburg resulting in over 40 casualties according to Russian authorities, among others.

Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry and Presidential Office have categorically denied Kyiv's involvement in the Crocus City Hall shooting.

The Kremlin's special services are responsible for the shooting in the concert hall, Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate (HUR) representative, Andriy Yusov, told NV on March 22.

Shooting at Russia’s Crocus City Hall: What is Known?

Several terrorists opened fire with automatic weapons on attendees at a concert hall in Crocus City Hall in the Moscow suburb of Krasnogorsk, where the band Piknik was set to perform.

144 people died, according to Russian authorities.

Russian law enforcement reported the arrest of 11 individuals, four of whom, according to their version, were involved in the shooting. The FSB announced that they were allegedly planning to cross into Ukrainian territory.

Read also: ISIS behind Crocus City Hall shooting in Moscow - ISW

Four citizens of Tajikistan suspected in the shooting—Dalerjon Mirzoev, Saidakrami Rachababalizoda, Muhammadzobir Faizov, and Faridun Shamsiddini—were arrested in Russia, it was announced on March 24.

Photos of one of the detained individuals being tortured with electricity were published on Russian Telegram channels. A video emerged showing one suspect having his ear cut off and being forced to eat it.

ISIS claimed responsibility on March 23, releasing photos of the suspects detained by the Russian FSB earlier. Later, ISIS released a video shot by the terrorists in Crocus City Hall.

Russian media reported on March 29 that the Tajik branch of ISIS was transferring payment to the shooters in Crocus through a cryptocurrency wallet.

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Section: Nation

Author: Alla Shcherbak