More than 1 in 2 Russians believe Kremlin’s bogus claims of UA involvement in Crocus terror attack

On March 22, a shooting occurred in the Crocus City Hall concert hall in the suburbs of Moscow

Showing how effective Kremlin propaganda is, more than half of all Russians blame the Ukrainian government for the terrorist attack, despite ISIS’ claim of responsibility and corresponding evidence that the group carried out the attack.

Read also: Why Russia is trying to blame Ukraine for Crocus City Hall attack: expert opinion

Just over 1 in 4 Russians (27%) believe the attack was indeed carried out by ISIS.

Another 6% of respondents point fingers at the so-called "Western collective," namely the United States, the United Kingdom, and NATO.

Read also: ISIS behind Crocus City Hall shooting in Moscow - ISW

Over 75% of those surveyed consider Russian dictator Vladimir Putin to be either the "most reliable" or a "completely reliable" source of information about the Crocus City Hall terror attack.

The survey revealed that young people and respondents aged 18 to 30, who oppose the war in Ukraine, are more inclined to blame ISIS for the terrorist attack rather than Kyiv. Among opponents of the war in Ukraine, 50% attributed responsibility to ISIS, compared to 12% of those who support the war.

More than half of Russians aged 31 to 50 believe the Kremlin’s false claims of Ukrainian involvement.

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Section: Nation

Author: Alla Shcherbak