Watch: KJP Opens Up Press Briefing with Bizarre Visit from the Easter Bunny

The White House / YouTube screen shot

Easter Bunnies have a way of making the Joe Biden White House look bad.

In 2022, it was the president himself who was on the receiving end of an embarrassing apparent surprise at the White House Easter Egg Roll, being herded by a character dressed in a large rabbit suit.

On Monday, a character dressed in a bunny costume was trotted out briefly at the beginning of the White House press briefing in the place at the podium normally occupied by press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre. The comparison wasn't flattering to KJP -- or the White House press corps.

Check it out here:

The Easter Bunny makes an appearance in the White House briefing room.

— CSPAN (@cspan) April 1, 2024

For Americans who might be wondering how their tax money is being spent, it's not exactly reassuring to see the image of an adult-sized rabbit standing in front of the cameras where the White House spokeswoman should be.

For Americans who might be wondering if the vaunted free press in the nation's capital is doing its job of vigilantly watching the leaders of the Republic, the middle-school-sounding "awww ..." from reporters that greeted the rabbit's appearance isn't comforting.

And for Americans who have become used to the torrent of partisan distortion, administration doublespeak and outright lies that are the hallmark of Jean-Pierre's daily brushes with the press, it was a sign that the silent bunny might just have been an improvement.

And the reaction on social media was pretty clearly not what the White House wanted: