Years-long Trump vendetta was sparked by a Scottish court spoiling his ocean view: report

Donald Trump plays a round of golf after the opening of The Trump International Golf Links Course on July 10, 2012 in Balmedie, Scotland.

A Scottish court’s ruling that ruined ocean views for Donald Trump sent the former president careening on a vendetta that he’s ranted about for years, according to a new report.

The Daily Beast wrote Tuesday that Trump’s hatred for wind turbines — or “windmills,” as he refers to them — is a constant gripe that he brings up at rallies and speeches.

And his hatred has roots in a court fight he lost several years ago.

“They kill all our birds,” he said at a December rally last year — a refrain the Beast reported was typical and which seems to confuse his MAGA base. “If you want to see a bird cemetery, go under a windmill sometime. You’ll see birds like you never saw. If you love birds, you’ll start to weep.”

He’s also blamed them for killing whales, hurting the U.S. economy because he wrongly claims they’re all made in China and Germany, and driving inflation by increasing the cost of energy.

The Daily Beast reported that, when asked about the war in Ukraine in a recent podcast interview, he responded, “We are playing right into their hands. Green energy. The windmills, they don’t work. They’re too expensive. They kill all the birds. They ruin your landscapes, and yet the environmentalists love the windmills.

“I’ve been preaching this for years. The windmills. And I had them way down. But the windmills are the most expensive energy you can have. They don’t work. By the way, they last a period of ten years. By the time they start rusting and rotting all over the place, nobody ever takes them down. They just go onto the next piece of prairie or land.”

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Trump’s obsession, the Beast reported, stems from 11 turbines that were built beside his Scottish golf course, Trump International Golf Links.

“I am not thrilled. I want to see the ocean, I do not want to see windmills,” he said at the time.

He complained about the Scottish government’s construction of them, blasting in his filing, “The horrible idea of building ugly wind turbines directly off Aberdeen’s beautiful coastline.”

Then, in 2013, he sued, saying he’d “spend whatever monies are necessary” to stop them being put in place. The case went to the highest court in the U.K. — which ruled against Trump.

His anti-windmill speeches began soon after, the Beast reported.

“The reality is that he couldn’t stand the fact that his view of the ocean from his property in Scotland was affected in a way that displeased him,” the report stated. “Then, the fact that Scotland rejected his bullying tactics and stood up to him further incensed him.”

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