Michael Moore blasts Biden: Israel’s 'number one arms dealer'

Michael Moore in 2011 (Creative Commons)

Although U.S. President Joe Biden has been critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at times, he remains a strong supporter of military aid to Israel. Biden has supported Israel's anti-Hamas operation in Gaza, but he is also calling for greater humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians living there.

Progressive filmmaker and activist Michael Moore, meanwhile, has been expressing his disappointment with Biden's Israel policy — even going so far as to describe the U.S. president as an "arms dealer."

During the April 1 broadcast of his "Rumble" podcast, Moore argued, "It's been just an awful thing for all of us to be witness to. We'd like to think about it because our president, the one that has to stop (Donald) Trump from winning in November, is the number one financial backer and the number one arms dealer for the state of Israel. So, what do we do with that?"

READ MORE:7 humanitarian aid workers with World Central Kitchen killed in Israeli air strike in Gaza

In late March, the Gaza Health Ministry — which is run by Hamas — announced that more than 32,000 Palestinians had been killed in Gaza since October 7, 2023. That day, Hamas carried out a vicious terrorist attack that has been described as "Israel's 9/11" and left more than 1400 Israelis dead.

On "Rumble," Moore described Israel's anti-Hamas operation in Gaza as "ethnic cleansing" and said of Biden, "He's really the only one in the whole entire world that has the power to stop this, say, within the next hour, literally by just turning off the faucet, pulling the plug. No more bombs, no more guns, no more bullets, no more nothing until you, Mr. Netanyahu, stop the slaughter. We're the bank for this, folks. You and me.”

READ MORE: 50 arrested in Jewish-led protest of Gaza genocide at Biden TV taping

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