Buttigieg schools Fox News reporter upset Biden is 'shoving' EVs 'down consumers’ throats'

Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaking with supporters at a town hall at the Madison County Fairgrounds Jackson Building in Winterset, Iowa. Image via Gage Skidmore.

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg explained why President Joe Biden is enthusiastically pushing for more electric vehicles, and it’s not just for environmental reasons.

Fox News’ John Roberts, talking about Tesla’s deep sales plunge, on Tuesday noted the electric vehicle (EV) maker’s “sales fell 8.5% the first quarter of this year, Ford this week is laying off two-thirds of its workforce at the F-150 Electric Lightning plant. It’s also scaling back a battery production facility because of sagging sales. EV sales are nowhere near what this president wanted or expected, yet the administration continues to shove them down consumers’ throats. Why?”

“Well, let’s be clear,” Buttigieg responded. “Consumers have wanted and purchased more EVs every single year than the year before. And you know, Tesla is facing more competition as GM and Ford and Stellantis and other competitive players start to make sure they get a piece of the EV market.”

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“Let’s be clear that the automotive sector is moving toward EVs, and we can’t pretend otherwise,” the Secretary continued. “Sometimes when these debates happen, I feel like it’s the early 2000s and I’m talking to some people who think that we can just have landline phones forever. The reality is that the automotive sector is moving toward EVs, and the U.S. can either fall behind China or we can claim the lead.”

“President Biden wants to make sure that those EVs are made in America, especially again, as more Americans choose EVs every single year than the year before. We’ve got to make sure that those those are made on American soil in places like Northern Indiana where I grew up places like Michigan where I live right now. During the Trump administration, China was really able to build an advantage in the EV market, obviously not because there are big environmental silver in China, but just because that’s the economically smart play. We’ve been working to make sure that that advantage comes back onto American soil.”

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