As GOP colleagues seek to oust him — Freedom Caucus chair endorses Jan. 6 rioter for Congress

Image via screengrab/US Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) X/Twitter.

Amid GOP House members' efforts to campaign against House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good (R-VA), the far-right leader has officially endorsed a January 6 rioter for United States Congress, according to Axios.

Per the report, "Good said in a statement he is supporting former West Virginia legislator Derrick Evans, who was sentenced three months in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack, over Rep. Carol Miller (R-W.Va.)."

The GOP lawmaker said, "It is my privilege to endorse Derrick Evans for Congress in West Virginia's first congressional district. We cannot change Washington and save the country by electing the status quo."

READ MORE: Freedom Caucus Chair blasts GOP colleagues for campaigning against him: 'RINOs'

Good's endorsement comes as the far-right leader has been ostracized by a group of fellow Republican House members campaigning for his primary opponent, State Senator John McGuire (R-VA).

Last month the hard-right legislator called that group of GOP leaders "RINOs" — Republicans in name only — via social media, and told CNN last week that he remains unmoved by their efforts.

Calling Good "embarrassing," McGuire told CNN in an interview, "I believe that my opponent wants to burn it all down, no solutions kind of guy I think that we need leaders that want to grow the party and unite our country. If you are helping the Democrat team take out the Republican team, who is the RINO?"

According to Axios "Good, the only member of Congress to endorse Evans, joins former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell – both known for their pro-Trump conspiracy theories."

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Axios also notes, "Evans has run hard to Miller's right, saying in a statement: 'Either you stand with MAGA and the America First movement, or you're with Carol Miller and Bill Gates, abortion, killing coal, and funding transgender surgeries.'"

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__Axios' full report is available here.__

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