The Law-and-Order Terrorist (Cartoon, Column and Video)

Donald Trump attended a funeral on Long Island for a New York City policeman who was killed in the line of duty. Trump used the cop’s death to make a political statement, to contrast himself with President Joe Biden, and called for “law and order.” The most bizarre thing about this is that the cop’s family invited Trump.

Why would anyone, especially cops or their families believe that Donald Trump is pro-cop and for law and order? It’s like believing he’s pro-military after criticizing prisoners of war and saying, “I like people who aren’t captured” and that someone is “only a hero because he was captured.” It’s like buying a bible from Trump knowing he sexually assaults women. It’s like Blacks for Trump. You have to be intentionally oblivious to believe that Donald Trump, the man facing four indictments, is for law and order.

Outside the funeral home, Trump said the killing was “such a sad, sad event, such a horrible thing.”

He also said, “The police are the greatest people we have. There’s nothing and there’s nobody like them. And this should never happen.”

Just as he wants immunity for himself to break laws, Trump wants to immunize police officers from lawsuits for potential misconduct, like shooting unarmed black people. He’s called for shoplifters to be shot on sight. Trump is doing everything possible to delay his four criminal trials for crimes he committed over three years but if you’re a shoplifter, you should be shot on sight. He’s demonized local prosecutors, the FBI, and the Department of Justice while saying he’s for “law and order.”

When the FBI conducted a search of Mar-a-Lago, Trump called it a “raid.” It was NOT a raid. They had a search warrant which is law and order.

Trump called police “the greatest people we have,” while calling the police officer who shot MAGA terrorist Ashley Babbitt on January 6 a murderer. He calls the incarcerated terrorists who attacked the Capitol on January 6 “hostages” instead of what they truly are, prisoners for breaking the law. He also calls them “patriots.” Five police officers died from the results of the attack and Trump told the terrorists who attacked them that they were “very special” and “we love you.”

After Trump vilified the FBI, one of his terrorists attacked an FBI field office in Cincinnati. Today, someone rammed a vehicle into the gate in front of the FBI field office in Atlanta. I wonder who that person voted for.

Judges, prosecutors, witnesses, and poll workers have all received death threats after Trump demonized them. Trump does not apologize or call his people off. Instead, he tells them to “stand back and stand by.” He is still demonizing people, even going after a judge’s daughter who has nothing to do with any of his trials.

Charles Sicknick, Brian’s father said that after his death, “The first one to call us was Joe Biden and he was crying on the phone.” It took Trump three days to lower flags to half-mast at the White House.

Charles also said about his son, “He was a good and decent young man and it’s terrible that this happened because of some lunatic who was in the White House.”

Kenneth, Brian’s brother said, “The fact is [Trump] states he’s law and order but he sent a mob that ultimately ended up killing my brother.”

Trump didn’t attend Brian Sicknick’s funeral, but he does continue to praise the people who killed him. So it’s very surreal for Trump to go to a policeman’s funeral and call for law and order.

If there is any law and order, terrorists-loving Donald Trump will be in prison.

Shame on any cop who supports Trump, and shame on their families who invite him to politicize cop funerals.

SMississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

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