Barnby Road Academy pupil from Newark cutting two and a half year long hair for The Little Princess Trust

After two and half years of growth, a school boy is having his hair cut for charity.

Dexter Martin, 8, last cut his hair in 2021 when he wanted to try growing it out, but will now give up his long locks for The Little Princess Trust.

The charity provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or to other conditions such as Alopecia.

Dexter Martin, 8, of Newark, is getting his hair cut off for charity.

Dexter is aiming to reach a fundraising target of £700, which will ensure that his hair can be made into a wig and professionally fitted.

Dexter said: “It’s nice having long hair, but I’m excited to get it cut because it seems like the kind thing to do.

“All of those people out there that have no hair and get teased for it — I don’t like that and I want to help.”

Dexter’s mum, Cate, said: “I’m exceptionally proud of him.

“It came a bit out of the blue that he wanted to chop it all off because he was adament for so long that he wanted to keep growing it.

“At one point he said he was never going to cut it.

“He’d seen children on the TV that had lost their hair and wanted to do something.”

Dexter Martin, 8, of Newark, is getting his hair cut off for charity. Pictured with his mum, Cate Martin

The Little Princess Trust require nine inches of hair to make a wig, and Dexter has more than enough with 14 inches which he is having cut at Robert Fields Barbershop in Newark

The Barnby Road Acadamy pupil enjoys playing sport and has received lots of support from friends and family.

“Having long hair just seemed more me, and I like being me,” said Dexter.

“I like being different, but I wanted to help.

“I only thought I’d get to £100, but everyone have been really kind. Thank you.”

To support Dexter and the Little Princess Trust, visit his fundraising page here:

Although he said he would be sad to cut his hair, he’s happy to do it for a good cause and has decided to go for a short mohawk as his new hairstyle.