Judge Grants Christine Quinn Restraining Order, Ex Ordered to Stay Away From 'Selling Sunset' Star and Their Baby

Christine Quinn scored a small victory in her court battle with her estranged husband Christian Dumontet after a judge granted her a stay-away order.

According to court documents obtained by RadarOnline.com, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge signed off on the former Selling Sunset star being granted a temporary restraining order. It requires Christian to stay 100 yards away from her.

The court granted Christine a temporary restraining order. MEGA

In addition, the order said Christian cannot come near their 2-year-old son or Christine's 2 Yorkshire Terriers.

The judge said Christian could take property out of the LA mansion they share. He also allowed Christian and Christine to communicate about court-ordered visits with his son.

Christine was allowed to record communications with Christian if he violated the order.

Earlier this month, Christian was arrested after Christine called the police following an incident at their home. She claimed Christian threw a bag of glass at her but it hit their toddler, who was taken to the local hospital to be looked at. He denied the claims.

Christine filming Selling Sunset. MEGA

In her petition, Christine claimed her estranged husband's mental health had "severely deteriorated" over the past half a year.

"Throughout the marriage, Respondent has been verbally and physically abusive. However, Respondent’s mental health and behavior has severely deteriorated over the last six months," her petition read.

"On one of these occasions, Respondent was having a mental breakdown and was delusional, disoriented, and seemed to be hallucinating. He didn’t know who I was, and was apparently convinced I was some sort of imposter, and physically attacked me, scratching me," Quinn claimed. "I spent two hours trying to reassure him that I was who I was so he would calm down and not potentially hurt our child."

She claimed her husband had "taken extreme measures to prevent me from leaving the property to work or run errands with our son" because of his alleged "extreme paranoia."

The scene outside Christine's home when the cops were called.MEGA

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Christine claimed her husband's mental health had deteriorated in the past year. MEGA

In her shocking court filing, Quinn told the judge, "He does everything he can to isolate me and our son, including locking down the front gate so we physically cannot leave the property. He routinely turns off the household internet to cut off communication with the outside, because we have no cell reception in the residence due to the terrain."

Christian said he threw the bag at the wall and it did not contain glass. He even demanded a TRO against Christine over her behavior.

The exes are set to face off in court next month.