Conservative anti-Trump lawyer gives $900K to Biden reelection fund

Conservative attorney George Conway (image via screengrab)

In 2020, attorney George Conway was among the prominent conservatives who supported Joe Biden over Donald Trump — a group that also included former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona), former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and GOP activist Cindy McCain, among many others. And Conway, a scathing critic of Trump, is supporting Biden again in 2024 — this time, according to Axios, with a $929,600 donation and a fundraising event he will be headlining in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, April 24.

Conway, Axios' Mike Allen reports, wrote a check for $929,600 to the Biden Victory Fund — the maximum amount allowed. The April 24 event's hosts, according to Allen, include political consultant Melissa Moss and her husband Jonathan Silver.

Although Conway is well-known in the conservative legal movement and was married to former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, he hasn't been shy about expressing his total disdain for the ex-president and his MAGA movement — which he believes has been terrible for the Republican Party and conservatism. The Never Trumper expressed his opposition to Trumpism by leaving the GOP in 2018 and has been an independent ever since.

READ MORE: Trump still 'an adjudicated insurrectionist' after 'incoherent' SCOTUS opinion: George Conway

George Conway has been active in The Lincoln Project (a conservative anti-Trump group) and is often featured as a legal analyst on MSNBC, typically attacking Trump as a lawless authoritarian who has disgraced the GOP and applauding special counsel Jack Smith and other prosecutors who have brought criminal charges against him.

Biden has been openly courting non-MAGA conservatives, including supporters of former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley — who didn't endorse Trump after dropping out of the 2024 GOP presidential primary but, unlike Conway, hasn't endorsed Biden either.

READ MORE:'Make him crazy': George Conway describes how to derail 'pathological narcissist' Trump

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