Jill Biden Snaps at CBS Host When She's Confronted with the Hard Truth About Joe's Campaign

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It looks like first lady Jill Biden has come up with a new strategy to deal with her husband President Joe Biden's dismal poll numbers.


Biden made an appearance on CBS News' "CBS Mornings," where the conversation turned to Joe Biden's poll numbers.

Host Tony Dokoupil pushed Jill on how the White House was dealing with the president's dismal poll numbers.

"When these polls, like the Wall Street Journal one, land in the White House, and he's losing in all the battle ground states ..." Dokoupil started to say, but he was not allowed to finish the sentence.

"No, he's not losing in all the battleground states," Biden cut in angrily, causing Dokoupil to visibly shrink back, raise his hands defensively and clarify, "All but one."

Jill Biden throws a temper tantrum when informed that Trump is dominating Biden in the battleground states:

“No, he’s not losing all the battleground states!" pic.twitter.com/V0HuJzZucw

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 3, 2024

The new Wall Street Journal poll, Dokoupil was referring to was conducted from Mar 17-24 and surveyed 600 voters each in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

According to the poll, Trump leads Biden in six of seven swing states, "propelled by broad voter dissatisfaction with the national economy and deep doubts about Biden's capabilities and job performance," the Wall Street Journal reported.

In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, Trump leads Biden by between two to eight points in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

The only outlier to the poll was Wisconsin, where Biden led by three points in a multiple-candidate ballot but was tied with Trump in a head-to-head matchup.

Biden's approval ratings are also dismally underwater at 38 percent approval and 60 percent disapproval across the seven states, while over half of those polled approved of Trump's job as president, the poll showed.

Trump is also strongly leading on key issues like the economy, inflation, and immigration and border security.

Other recent polls also reflect the same trend.

A Fox News poll conducted in late March shows Trump leading Biden by five points, the largest margin Trump has ever had over Biden in a Fox News poll, the New York Post reported.

An ABC opinion column published in mid-March by G. Elliott Morris said that if the election were held today, Trump would likely win.

According to Morris, beyond the horse race numbers, a majority of Americans say they disapprove of Biden's job as president, according to an average of approval polls by the polling company FiveThirtyEight.

Americans also trust Trump on priorities like the economy, jobs, immigration and national security, Morris wrote.

Jill Biden's response to these polls was to shoot the messenger.

"He's coming up, and he's, umm, even or doing better," she said without giving any specifics on where or how they were seeing this happening.

"You know what?" Biden continued, leaning in to her baseless argument, "Once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this election."

It sounded like a defensive mother in the principal's office explaining how "she knows her son is very smart" despite his horrific grades.

Bless her heart

— Doggonit (@Doggonitagain) April 3, 2024

I guess it is only right as his wife and, in many ways, his caretaker right now, that Jill Biden defended her husband regardless of the facts.

But the truth is, after four years of Joe Biden, people have a clear idea of their two choices: the life they had four years ago and the life they have now.

And the polls reflect which life they prefer.