Israel increased mobilization of military personnel amid threats from Iran

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The Israel Defense Forces are strengthening their air defense system. To achieve this, they have decided to mobilize additional military personnel, informs The Times of Israel.

The call-up of reservists followed threats from Iran to respond to the likely killing by Israel of Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the highest-ranking official of the IRGC in Syria.

Also, during the strike, his deputy was killed, along with five other IRGC officers and at least one member of Hezbollah.

Media reports indicate that Israel is on high alert for a possible response from Iran.

What preceded

Two days ago, the city of Damascus in Syria came under rocket fire. The strike targeted the Iranian consulate. The media reported the death of IRGC General Mohammad Zahedi.

He was an Iranian military commander, a brigadier general. He also served as the Commander of the Ground Forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from July 2006 to July 2008.

His name was included in the so-called "blacklist" of the United Nations, which consists of 15 high-ranking military and political figures of Iran suspected of involvement in Tehran's nuclear and missile programs, and who are banned from leaving Iran.