NATO secretary general: Europe needs US and US needs Europe

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (L) shakes hands with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a meeting on the sidelines of the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels. Europe and the United States need one another for their own security, Stoltenberg said in a speech to mark the alliance's 75th anniversary on 04 April. -/NATO/dpa

Europe and the United States need one another for their own security, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in a speech to mark the alliance's 75th anniversary on Thursday.

"Europe needs America for its security," Stoltenberg said. "At the same time, North America also needs Europe. European allies provide world-class militaries, vast intelligence networks, and unique diplomatic leverage, multiplying America's might."

Acknowledging long-standing US concerns that European allies aren't contributing enough to collective defence, Stoltenberg said: "Fair burden sharing is essential, and Europe is investing more, much more. This year, the majority of NATO allies will invest at least 2% of their GDP [Gross Domestic Product] in defence."

"Through NATO, the United States has more friends and more allies than any other major power. I don't believe in America alone, just as I don't believe in Europe alone," he added.