Specialist doctor warns against commonly used ear wax cleaning technique that can make things worse

Ear wax is gross, but the method most of us use to get rid of it can cause more harm than good.

An ear, throat, and nose specialist on TikTok strictly warns against the common ear wax cleaning mistake, while advising safer methods.

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Ear cleaning technique you should never use

Dr. Sina has time and again advised against cleaning ears using the Q-tip.

The specialist said when the Q-tip is inserted inside the ear, it only pushes the accumulated wax further into the canal, obstructing the ear drum and in some instances, even rupturing it.

Although Q-tips come with the warning to never be inserted into the ear canal, it is a common practice to push it as far as possible.

When the wax gets pushed too deep into the ear canal, one may need surgical intervention to get it removed. There have also been instances of injuries and infections.

Q-tip is only safe when used at the opening of the ear canal, but best fully avoided.

You don’t have to clean your ears

Dr. Sina couldn’t emphasize more on the fact that ear wax is completely safe and you don’t have to get rid of it.

He recommends against cleaning ears, but if you are grossed out by the wax and can’t stand it, there are safer methods.

You can use mineral oil or olive oil to soften the wax and clean it using a syringe filled with water – a doctor-approved technique.

However, you shouldn’t clean it with water or any other solution if you have an ear drum perforation.

You must also avoid using candles at all costs and stick to wiping the outside bowl of your ear with a towel.