Russia says border region hit by drone attacks, explosion at airfield

Russia's border region was hit by dozens of Ukrainian drones in the early hours of Friday, the Defence Ministry in Moscow announced.

A statement said Russia's air defences had intercepted a total of 53 missiles, 44 of which were in the Rostov region.

Rostov Governor Vasily Golubev reported a "massive drone attack" which was targeted at the district of Morozovsky.

He said on Telegram that an electrical substation had been damaged and some residents were left without power.

Independent media pointed out that there is a military airfield in the Morozovsky district. Telegram channels shared images of fireballs in the sky and quoted residents who reported the sound of explosions around the airfield.

Russia, which has been waging war against its neighbour Ukraine for more than two years, is increasingly coming under fire - particularly in the border region.

However, the damage and number of casualties are insignificant compared to the carnage in Ukraine.

Russian military infrastructure had often been the target of such attacks as Ukraine looks to turn the tables.

Kiev's decision to hit Russia itself is one of the reasons German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is against supplying Ukraine with Taurus long-range missiles, which could be used to strike targets deeper into Russia and implicate NATO further in the conflict.