'Ukraine is approaching critical moment': Ukraine expects US Congress' decision in April

Head of the Presidential Office Andrii Yermak (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Ukrainian President's Office believes that Ukraine is approaching a critical moment. Therefore, the US Congress is expected to decide on funding for Ukraine in April, according to the head of the Presidential Office, Andrii Yermak.

After holding talks with Jake Sullivan, the US President's top national security advisor, Yermak exuded confidence that the much-needed aid package would ultimately get the nod.

While he refrained from specifying the exact timing, Yermak's tone suggested Congress would act imminently.

"In the meantime it is costing us lives and I very much hope that it is passed this month because Ukraine is approaching a critical moment," said Yermak.


On February 13, the US Senate agreed on a $95 billion aid package earmarked for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, with over $60 billion provided for Ukraine.

However, for this bill to become law, it must pass the scrutiny of the US House of Representatives and secure the signature of President Joe Biden.

House Speaker Mike Johnson opposed the initiative. He will not submit the bill to the lower house of Congress.

According to Bloomberg, the Congressional vote on aid for Ukraine could face a delay of several weeks, suggesting that a decision by mid-April seems unlikely.