Judges 'blown away' by talent of young Fenland artists as winners are announced for 2024 Young Arts Open at Wisbech Museum

The winners of the 2024 Young Arts Open at a town museum have been announced.

More than 100 visitors turned out to support the community launch of this year’s Young Arts Open at Wisbech and Fenland Museum on Saturday.

With 78 works of art on display from children and young adults ranging in age from four to 24, there was plenty of variety and talent on show.

Selection of prize winners

Organiser Louise Haselgrove said: “We have been blown away by the creativity and talent on display and are grateful to all those who have taken part and allowed us to share their work with our visitors.

“We extend a huge thank you to all our sponsors, particularly 20Twenty Productions CIC and Wisbech Rotary, without whom we wouldn’t be able to offer this valuable platform to young artists living within our community.”

There were 14 prizes awarded across five age categories.

Community Launch

Prizes were sponsored by businesses and local organisations, including JTC Tuition, Wisbech Projects, Octavia Hill Society, and Blackfield Creatives.

Alex Abraitis, aged nine, won in his age category for a collection of clay model owls he made at home. He was also commended for a pair of clay cats.

Alex said: “I took the idea of modelling clay home from school and carried on making owls. It took me months and then I moved on to cats.”

Oresta, Thomas Clarkson Academy winner 16-18

Oresta Grybauskaite, in Year 12 at Thomas Clarkson Academy, won in her age group for a striking picture of a giant red pepper drawn in coloured pencils.

She said: “My teacher told me there might be a surprise today, but I had no idea I was going to win.”

Nathanael Wilson, 13, won in his age category for a lively linocut print portrait of a family friend's dog.

Nathanael Wilson, winner 12-15

He said: “My mum told me about the competition and I'd done the lino cut for friends who wanted a portrait of their dog – I decided to enter that.”

Younger winner Jacob O'Driscoll-Jones carried off his prize for a coloured drawing of a jumping frog that he’d completed at the museum’s drop-in art clubs, which are sponsored by Wisbech Rotary.

Jacob said: “I love frogs, they're my favourite animal.”

Daljit Roy of Wisbech Rotary Club said: “When we decided to sponsor prizes and fund sessions in the museum where youngsters could use good art materials, we had no idea the take-up would be so enthusiastic.

“We've been blown away by the quality of the work. There's so much talent out there in Fenland.

“This is planting a seed for the competition to grow in future years - we have to nurture the spirit these young people have shown.”

This year, the Young Arts Open invited entries of original artwork by young people aged 24 and under living, working, or studying in Fenland, South Holland, and King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.

The exhibition is open to the public from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm, until Saturday, April 13.

Museum admission charges apply.