'Gonna be a massive problem': Republicans in a panic over Trump's rally dilemma

President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Phoenix, photo by Gage Skidmore.

Donald Trump's legal woes are causing no small amount of concern among Republicans as the 2024 presidential election campaign enters a critical phase -- and not because the head of the GOP ticket may soon be a convicted felon.

With the former president about to be tied up with attending court proceedings in Manhattan in his hush money trial that could last for weeks, his ability to traverse the country and hold his rallies will be severely curtailed.

And those rallies — with the attendant media coverage — are key to his fundraising.

Combined with his massive legal bills that are eating up money that should be devoted to getting him re-elected, GOP insiders are privately fretting about a November election where they will be outspent and outgunned.

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According to a report from the Daily Beast's Jake Lahut, the lack of rallies, as well as their massive expense when they do occur, is becoming a growing concern.

"The Trump campaign appears reluctant to hold many rallies—both out of concern that Trump might say the wrong thing and because, as the same strategist said, the rallies are 'extremely expensive to put on,'" Lahut reported. "Even as Trumpworld projects confidence in the candidate’s ability to campaign from the courthouse steps, other Republicans see the next couple months as a perilous window for a campaign holding a lead in what will inevitably be a tight race. Others in the party are quietly beginning to worry that the party is in denial over just how hamstrung Trump is going to be until there’s a verdict, especially on the fundraising front."

According to one insider, "They’re not gonna have enough money to do as many as he wants or at the scale he wants. It’s gonna be a massive problem.”

One Trump ally added, "This is gonna come to a head, because we all know Trump loves these massive rallies and, frankly, they cheer him up.”

RELATED: Trump cutting back on rallies to save money as cash shortfall hobbles campaign: report

Josh Schwerin, a Democratic strategist, agreed that the GOP is facing a massive disadvantage.

“This is the period where voters are starting to tune into the race and look at the choice in the race. And what they’re gonna see is Joe Biden traveling around the country delivering for the American people, talking about policies and talking about accomplishments," he explained, before pointing out, "Conversely, Donald Trump is going to be bouncing between courtrooms and billionaire fundraisers because he needs to pay for his court bills.”

You can read more here.

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