Wooden climbing frame removed from Bulwarks park play area in Sandwich Quay after safety concerns

A climbing frame in a children’s play park has been removed after an inspection highlighted safety concerns.

The wooden multi-play structure in the Bulwarks play area on Sandwich Quay was dismantled on Thursday morning leaving an empty gap where the equipment once stood.

The structure was removed because of safety concerns. Picture: Dan Friend

A recent safety check identified that “extensive repairs” and “amendments” were needed to make it safe as the frame had reached the end of its useful life.

But instead of fixing it, Sandwich ward councillor Dan Friend (Con) says Dover District Council (DDC) will replace it.

He added: “There is a way we could repair it to extend its life in the short term, but we have got money in the budget to do some improvement works in the play area so in the long term, it is better to remove it now, save some money, and put it towards better equipment.

“It has been there as long as I can remember and it has reached the end of its life.”

Cllr Friend said a budget of £58,300 has been set aside for the upgrades.

An empty space now site where the wooden climbing frame used to be. Picture: Dan Friend

Some of the money has been put forward by DDC while £15,000 was set aside from compensation the council received from Southern Water when pipes burst at a pumping station in 2020.

“The money will go towards improving a significant portion of the play area,” Cllr Friend explained.

“We had the big pumping station breakdown on the quayside a few years ago and there were trucks taking the waste away because it wasn't able to be pumped.

How the wooden climbing frame looked before it was removed. Picture: Google

“Southern Water gave us £15,000 in compensation so that has gone into the budget.

“DDC officers are also looking to see if we can get some additional funding streams as there are often grants for this kind of scheme so hopefully we can increase it more.”