Kent Police searching for Thanet burglar who leapt from dock and fled Canterbury Crown Court

A burglar is wanted by police after leaping from a dock and escaping court.

Lewis Guess had been warned when he appeared at Canterbury Crown Court yesterday that jail awaited him.

Lewis Guess, who has links to the Thanet area, is wanted on a court warrant. Picture: Kent Police

But as Judge Simon Taylor KC began to pass sentence, the 26-year-old complained of feeling ill as he sat in the dock.

Guess then asked for a drink of water and, having distracted the dock officer, swiftly jumped over the dock and bolted for the courtroom door.

The alarm was quickly raised but he was able to flee the building.

During the melee, Guess, who had been on bail ahead of the hearing and was last known to be living in Broadstairs, knocked a jug of water over a Crown Prosecution Service representative.

But despite the sudden and unexpected disappearance, Judge Taylor proceeded to sentence Guess in his absence to 15 months' imprisonment - and promptly issued a warrant for his arrest.

Lewis Guess fled from Canterbury Crown Court

Kent Police have now issued an appeal, stating the absconder has links to the Thanet area.

They ask if you know where he is, to call 999, quoting reference 46/54188/24, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, or you can use the form on their website.