European Commissioner: Tribunal for Putin to be established by end of 2024

Photo: European Commissioner Didier Reynders (Getty Images)

A special tribunal for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and the ruling elite of Russia is likely to be established by the end of 2024, says the European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders.

According to Reynders, two main options are currently being considered regarding the tribunal: an international tribunal based on a multilateral agreement or a simplified decision based on a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe.

He says that the EU has created a new jurisdiction transfer system. Thus, if a criminal proceeding is ongoing in Ukraine, particularly regarding the crime of aggression, it can be transferred to such a special tribunal.

It is also known that the Netherlands proposed to hold the special tribunal in The Hague.

Special tribunal on Russia's aggression against Ukraine

Dozens of countries are part of the group working to establish a special tribunal to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed in Ukraine.

As previously stated by a member of the Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence of the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament), Fedir Venislavskyi, such an international special tribunal could start operating as early as 2024.

Meanwhile, the Prosecutor General of Latvia, Juris Stukans, stated that a special tribunal for Russia could be created tomorrow, but it required willingness.