Nebraska Democrat Says He Flipped To The GOP Because Of His Pro-Life Views

Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha

The Democratic Party’s insistence on pro-abortion politics just cost it a state Senate seat in Nebraska.

Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha announced this week that he fled the Democrats for the Republican Party because liberals in his former camp refused to respect or honor his pro-life views.

“I have asked the Democratic Party to respect my religious-based pro-life position. Instead, over the last year, they have decided to punish me for being pro-life,” McDonnell said, according to The Daily Wire on Wednesday.

As one example, the newly-minted Republican noted that the Nebraska Democratic Party censured him in March for his votes that helped pass measures designed to restrict abortion and transgender surgeries on children.

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The Douglas County Democratic Party also withdrew its support from him following those votes.

As the leftists saw it, McDonnell’s sin was supporting the “Let Them Grow Act,” which banned most abortions after 12 weeks and restricted sex-change procedures on transgenders in Nebraska under age 19.

“Being a Christian, a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and pro-life is more important to me than being a registered Democrat,” McDonnell said, as the Daily Wire reported.

“Today, I am changing my party affiliation to Republican.”

McDonnell’s exodus gave the GOP a filibuster-proof majority in the state Legislature.

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