Ukraine organizes attack on three Russian airfields, Tu-95MS damaged

Ukraine attacked Russian airfields, damaged Tu-95MS (Illustrative photo: rosmedia)

The Main Intelligence Directorate, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, organized an operation on the night of April 5, during which strikes were delivered on three Russian airfields. Specifically, Tu-95MS bombers were damaged, according to RBC-Ukraine's sources in the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

According to sources in the Main Intelligence Directorate, at least three strategic Tu-95MS bombers at the Engels-2 airfield suffered serious damage from drone attacks. Additionally, seven occupiers were killed, including possibly pilots of the bombers.

Another target of the attack was a military airfield in Yeysk city. Ukrainian drone strikes destroyed at least four occupants there, and two enemy Su-25 aircraft were incinerated entirely.

The sources also reported strikes on another airfield in Kursk. The details of this attack's results are not yet available.

"The night of April 5 became one of the darkest for Russian strategic aviation and aviation in general. The consequences of this attack will be felt by the occupiers in the long term. But this is not the last operation of this kind; as they say, 'we have not yet started,'" said a source from the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Attacks on Russian airfields

It is worth noting that today, on April 5, Russia complained about a massive drone attack. The enemy claimed that air defense systems "successfully shot down" 53 drones in various regions. Morozovsk in the Rostov region, Yeysk in the Krasnodar Territory, and Engels in the Saratov region, where airfields are located, were under attack.

Morozovsk hosts Russian strategic bombers that have repeatedly attacked Ukraine. The Security Service of Ukraine organized the operation to attack this airfield, sources told RBC-Ukraine.

Engels also hosts a base for strategic bombers. Early in the morning, local residents heard a powerful explosion followed by sirens.

More details about the airfields attacked by Ukrainian defenders are available in the material from RBC-Ukraine.