Best governed countries in Africa

Best governed countries in Africa [Architecture Lab] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

World Economics used corruption perception, rule of law, press freedom, and political rights indexes to rank the countries.

World Economics has revealed the list of well-governed countries in Africa using various statistics derived from individual countries.

According to World Economics, the criteria for determining and ranking the countries is assessed using four main indexes which include corruption perception, rule of law, press freedom, and political rights.

With Nigeria missing from the list, other African countries like Mauritius, Ghana and Namibia have secured their positions as some of the best-governed countries globally with a B grade which signifies a good and well-budding economy.

At the bottom of the list is Libya with a grade of E and an index of 15.4. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) also has grade E and an index of 21.6 then Chad is also listed with an index of 23.2

Best governed countries in Africa

Here are the five best-governed countries in Africa;

The grade definitions are A: Very good, B: Good, C: Average, D: Poor and E: Very poor, and corruption levels - 0 = Bad, 100 = Good.

1. Mauritius

Mauritius was graded B, with an index of 69.3 making it the best-governed country on the African continent and a corruption level of 55.7.

2. Namibia

Namibia is ranked 2nd with a grade of B and an index of 69.1. The country also has a corruption index of 54.4.

3. South Africa

South Africa comes in third position with a grade of B and an index score of 65.5. It has a corruption index of 45.6.

4. Botswana

Botswana is placed 4th ahead with a grade of B and an index of 65.1. Its corruption index is 65.6.

5. Ghana

Ghana comes in fifth place with a grade of B with an index of 61.7. Its corruption index stands at 47.8.

Best governed countries in Africa [World Map]