FRSC Ogun warns motorists against using vehicle number plates for crimes

Group of motorists [Danne Institute for Research] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

Anyone using number plates to perpetrate crimes is contributing to the security challenges facing the state and the country at large.

Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Ogun Command, has warned motorists against using vehicle number plates to commit crimes in the state.

The FRSC Sector Commander in the state, Anthony Uga, gave the warning while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Ota.

According to Uga, anybody using number plates to perpetrate crimes is contributing to the security challenges facing the state and the country at large.

“If anybody is using number plate for purposes that are different from what it is meant, we will apprehend such a person and charge him/her for number plate offence.

“Once such number plate is indicted and detected at the scene of a crime, FRSC will hand over such vehicle to the Nigeria Police Force for investigation,” he said.

According to Uga, the issue of insecurity is a general phenomenon, adding that all hands must, therefore, be on deck to tackle the menace. The sector commander said that FRSC would not relent in its routine enforcement toward tackling security issues in the state.