'One swindle after another': Columnist mocks MAGA fans for buying up Truth Social stock

Trump supporter with a 'Stop the Steal' rally / Shutterstock

Anyone who bought shares of President Donald Trump's Truth Social parent company late last week is seriously hurting right now, as they have lost roughly a third of their value in just the last five days.

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, however, believes that the crash of Truth Social shares was entirely predictable given the past ways that past Trump business ventures have ended.

"Not for the first time, Trump has played his supporters for suckers," he argues in his latest piece. "In a sense, what he did with Trump Media was just a variation on what he does to his supporters every day, whether convincing them to buy Trump-endorsed Bibles and sneakers, or selling them on election lies and white nationalism."

Milbank says that Trump's fans at his recent rally in Wisconsin showed him unwavering devotion of the kind that made him believe they would happily "invest hard-earned money in a worthless company" like the Truth Social parent company.

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What's more, Milbank says, Trump seems more than happy to oblige them "by selling them one self-interested swindle after another."

The column then takes a darker tone by zeroing in on Trump's rhetoric about migrants, whom he referred to as "animals" this week who are "country-changing, country-threatening and they’re country-wrecking."

As if to put a fine point on it, Trump added that migrants are "destroying our country."

This leads Milbank to conclude that hawking Bibles, sneakers, and Truth Social shares are actually the more benevolent aspects of Trump's scams.

"Watching Trump sell his swindle about migrants, it occurred to me that those suckered by the Trump Media IPO got a better deal, relatively speaking," he explained. "Those who bought 'DJT' shares lost only their shirts. But those who have been snookered into seeing migrants as diseased animals have lost part of their souls."

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