Melania Trump to make rare appearance at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser for LGBT Republican group

Melania Trump

Melania Trump will attend a fundraising event the pro-LGBT group the Log Cabin Republicans later this month, according to a new report.

The New York Times reported Friday that the former first lady, known for supporting LGBTQ rights, will help raise money for a group that was banned from the Texas Republican Party.

The Mar-a-Lago fundraiser will take place on April 20, according to the report.

Melania Trump's absence from public view has raised questions about the couple's relationship as the former president faces a criminal trial in New York City over hush money he's accused of paying adult film star Stormy Daniels.

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For months, Trump's campaign has promised his wife would join him on the campaign trail, but appearances, which include voting alongside him during the Florida primary, have been rare.

"Mrs. Trump has maintained ties to the Log Cabin Republicans for years," the New York Times reports. "In a financial disclosure last year, she reported receiving a $250,000 payment from the group in December 2022."

The same month, the group posted a photo of a private dinner invitation with the former first lady that thanked her for "continued support."

The group, which calls itself “the largest Republican organization dedicated to representing LGBT conservatives and allies,” that month paid Trump $250,000 for a speaking engagement in Los Angeles, according to a Raw Story report.

Trump also spoke at a Log Cabin Republicans event hosted at Mar-a-Lago, where he said, “We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard," Politico reported at the time.

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The gay Republican community has largely stood behind Trump, despite what his critics call his anti-LGBTQ+ actions that range from anti-transgender military policies to the nominations of conservative federal judges, Raw Story has reported.

Melania's fundraising event will be one of few public appearances in recent months. Those appearances include a speech at a naturalization ceremony and her attendance at her mother's funeral in January.

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