Woman divides opinion by charging friends’ kids to eat and drink at her house

A mum has divided opinions online after she admitted to charging her friends when their kids eat and drink at her house.

The cost-of-living crisis is currently squeezing just about everyone for every dollar they’re worth. Almost all areas of life are now more expensive, from the price of a McDonald’s Big Mac to the general cost of fresh meat.

Credit: Peter Dazeley

The mum is charging kids 50p to eat crisps

We’ve all got to do whatever is necessary to keep the lights on, our bellies full and our subscriptions paid, but one mother’s method had seemingly gone too far on TikTok. Taking to the video-sharing app earlier this week, British mom Kazza (@thatgirlkazzalivee) found herself at odds with her friends.

She said: “Do you think that it’s bad that I charge my friends for their kids to eat and drink at my house?”

Though both of Kazza’s friends were against the idea, she further explained: “I think it’s quite reasonable, to be honest, as we are in a cost-of-living crisis. If your children are going to come here and eat me out of house and home, your animals are gonna come here and raid my cupboards, I got to at least charge them.”

In Kazza’s house, it costs 35p for a glass of Ribena, 50p for a packet of crisps, and £2 for a ham roll.

TikTok was not having it

Most of Kazza’s followers completely understood the need to tighten the purse strings when finances are tough, but some suggested she went too far by implementing the rules at her house. Instead, they suggested that she should have asked for money from her friends to buy their kids a proper dinner.

One person quipped: “That’s wrong man I wouldn’t dare because my people eat at same table.”

“I wouldn’t charge anyone if I’m inviting them to my house,” another person said, as a third added, “Yeah my friend’s kids are my kids, they can eat and drink whatever they like and I’ll just replace it.”

Some did see the Brit’s logic, as one person wrote: “I can see both sides to this when my nephews come over they eat a lot and I can’t afford to feed extra mouths.”

“35p for a juice wow that’s cheap 75p for juice at mine Vimto ain’t cheap,” another follower wrote.