Judge shuts down Trump's demand to 'rifle through' privileged Stormy Daniels docs

Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump (Photos: Steve Granitz/WireImage and vasilis asvestas / Shutterstock.com)

Donald Trump demanded that he have access to all of NBC News' privileged documents relating to Stormy Daniels, but the judge has turned down the request in a new ruling.

The election interference trial alleges a hush-money scheme between the adult film star and then-candidate Trump, which violated, among other things, campaign finance laws. Trump claims that he is innocent, but his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, has already gone to prison over the case.

ALSO READ: Trump skirts gag order with repeat attack on daughter of judge in hush money case

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In his ruling, Judge Juan Merchan said Trump must meet a "very heavy burden" to "rifle through the privileged documents of a news organization." He hasn't done that, the jurist held.

NBC Universal moved to quash the subpoena that was not filed by a court but by Trump's lawyers.

"Defendant claims that the materials sought by the subpoena will establish collusion between NBCU and Daniels relating to the release date of the documentary. Defendant argues that NBCU and Daniels conspired to release the Documentary as close to the start date of this trial as possible to prejudice Defendant and maximize their own financial interests," the judge summarizes.

Merchan goes on to explain that state laws prevent such actions.

"Even if this Court were to find that defendant's request was not speculative, or that it seeks general discovery, NBCUniversal's motion nonetheless would be granted because Defendant seeks unfettered access to the notes and meterials of a media organization in violation of Civil Rights Law S. 79-h," he continued.

Merchan closed by explaining: "This Court has considered Defendant's explanation for seeking this Court's permission to rifle through the privileged documents of a news organization and finds that he has not shouldered the very heavy burden necessary to overcome NY Civil Rights Law S. 79-h."

Jury selection is scheduled to begin on April 15, despite delays with additional motions from the defendant.

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