'Senior moment': Internet mocks Trump adviser for 'brazen lie' while spinning jobs report

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow

Right wing economist and former Trump administration adviser Larry Kudlow had a negative spin on Fox News regarding Friday's earth-shattering jobs report, which revealed 303,000 new jobs added to the payroll, far larger than anticipated.

"I can't let go of this because I wasn't aware of it," said Kudlow. "The Bidens put out a press release saying how much jobs have grown since March of 2019 which would’ve been the low point in jobs for decades because of the pandemic."

But there's a big problem with Kudlow's claim, that a lot of commenters on social media were quick to mock him over: the pandemic began in 2020. 2019 was in fact the pre-pandemic jobs high point.

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"Its so infuriating that they just brazenly lie like this," wrote the account @TheManDotCom2. "Its absolutely insulting to their own audience. Like If there is ONE thing everyone on planet Earth knows its......COVID was during 2020."

"He might be the dumbest economist next to Stephen Moore," wrote the account @pennyblab.

"Kudlow having another senior moment," wrote the account @ArtCandee.

"Wow he and Stephen Moore are time travelers adjusting when certain events occurred even leaving entire years off performance charts," wrote the account @MakanaBoy.

"Remember, Kudlow was at CNBC in 2008 telling people that it was a minor correction, and to keep buying stocks as they lost close to half their value," wrote the account @Nudincrcr.

"It’s disturbing that Larry Kudlow doesn’t accept the facts or know when the pandemic was," wrote the account @sally_ann_cole. "No wonder his credentials in economics have been questioned Economic recovery after a global health crisis doesn’t happen just because the disease threat attenuates His commitment to a rigid ideology is just annoying."

"How is he even able to stand or feed himself?" wrote the account @HollyGoLightly2.

Watch Kudlow's remarks below or at the link right here.

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