Dating coach reveals the three things women find most sexy about men

A dating coach explained what three things women find most sexy about men, with some drawing criticism for being “very old school.”

Everyone on the planet has an opinion on what makes both women and women attractive. It differs from person to person, as seen recently with the rise of the Golden Retriever versus Doberman boyfriends.

Credit: Maskot

Fixing things with their hands

Dating coach Blaine Anderson, who earlier revealed what signs mean a woman “wants” you, issued a public service announcement for her 616k followers on Instagram. The first thing Blaine argued that women love is when men fix anything with their hands.

She explained: “Whether it’s changing a tire or fixing the tap, women love watching guys use their hands. It’s super masculine and sexy.”

Statistics seemingly back up Blaine’s claim as over two-thirds of women prefer men who are handy around the house.

Hugs and kisses from behind

This one is surely not exclusive to women, as presumably most people regardless of sex enjoy hugs and kisses from behind. Though this tip definitely gives a 1950s vibe, Oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are known to be released into our bodies when we feel loved and appreciated.

“Because it makes us feel protected and loved,” she said. “Bonus points if you do this while she is preparing something in the kitchen.”

Opening doors

Credit: Unsplash/Giorgio Trovato

The final, and arguably most controversial of the three, is the simple act of men opening doors for women.

Blaine said: “This is hot because it demonstrates chivalry, thoughtfulness, and respect. Don’t believe what you hear online because attractive women still want a gentleman.”

Decades ago, the act was seen as the ultimate display of affection, but in 2024, we as humans have largely moved past such antiquated methods for showing love. Respect, compassion, and mutual understanding seem to be the preferred method.