Sawbridgeworth Swifts group install 11 boxes for return of migrating birds to town

Excitement is building as swift fans eagerly await the return from migration of their favourite birds – and Sawbridgeworth residents have made sure the town will be a home from home.

Several people volunteered to have swift boxes installed in the eaves of their home and Sawbridgeworth Swifts group duly obliged.

Eleven boxes were erected in the town – including one at the council offices – and one each was provided in High Wych and Sheering.

The swift box at the town council offices

Graham Knight, from the group, thanked Jake and Gavin from the North East Herts Swift Group for installing the boxes for the birds which are expected back in the town in early May

Sawbridgeworth Swifts will be having further installations in the future and are asking any interested residents to contact them via their Facebook page.

Town mayor Cllr Ruth Buckmaster last month revealed that a box had been placed in the eaves of the council’s offices at Sayesbury Manor and town clerk Chris Hunt said he had been checking it regularly – but no occupants had arrived yet.

Eleven swift boxes were installed in Sawbridgeworth

Graham added: “We are always on the lookout for new places to install Swift boxes, especially on public buildings, so please get in touch if you are interested or have any suggestions.”