Dating expert says run for the hills if you hear specific phrase from a long distance partner

Relationship expert Matthew Hussey is back with more relationship advice, this time about long-distance relationships and the response that should be the ultimate red flag.

Matthew Hussey is a British relationship expert who has appeared in publications ranging from Cosmopolitan to GQ. Boasting 1.7 million followers on Instagram, Matthew often offers stellar advice to his followers like his top tips for bagging a second date.

Credit: Oscar Wong

What to watch out for in a long-distance relationship

Despite only lasting five months on average, most adults have some experience with long-distance relationships. The decision to enter into one is arguably the most difficult part, hence why the relationship expert outlined the massive red flag you should watch out for.

“It’s if someone gives you a confusing answer to a simple question,” he explained. “The question being, what are we? Where do you see this going? Do you see us as a couple? Are we exclusive? These are all simple questions.”

Matthew continued to explain that such answers are a form of “misdirection” that is specifically designed to distract you from the simple question.

“Avoiders thrive on causing confusion because as long as they can keep you in that state of confusion, they can keep getting what they want,” he added. “They are getting their needs met even though you’re getting none of your needs met.”

People shared their experiences with long-distance relationships

Unsurprisingly, people had a lot of opinions on long-distance relationships. Though most of Matthew’s followers warned against entering into one, they also shared their own past experiences.

One person wrote: “The long distance is difficult by itself already enough, so take this advice and don’t let yourself get hurt! There is someone better for you out there!”

“As often, totally on point! Especially in long distance, I would respectfully state any relationship!!!” another said.

Shockingly, one man said he was a professional at answering the questions while maintaining the magic of a long-distance relationship.

He explained: “I’m a master at doing this and I will keep doing this… so what are we? We are on a journey towards forming a meaningful connection, so let’s not ruin it by rushing into anything too fast, I care about you a lot and that’s all that matters… It gets em every time tiger.”