Joe Biden's Re-Election Campaign Outpaces Donald Trump in Fundraising Battle By Over $25M Ahead of General Election


President Joe Biden's re-election campaign surpassed expectations by raising over $90 million, outperforming Donald Trump's fundraising efforts by $25 million, has learned.

This significant achievement brought the Democratic candidate's total cash on hand to a historic $192 million, setting a new record for any Democratic candidate in this stage of an election cycle.

Biden is raising millions more than Trump ahead of the election.mega

The intense fundraising competition between both campaigns comes as the 2024 presidential race gains momentum toward a highly anticipated rematch in November.

Last month marked the most substantial fundraising haul for both candidates, reflecting the escalating financial arms race as they gear up for the upcoming election battle.

Biden, along with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, took part in a prestigious fundraising event at Radio City Music Hall on March 28, which generated more than $25 million in contributions.

The campaign highlighted March as its "strongest grassroots fundraising month" since the re-election bid launch in April of the previous year.

Joe Biden is outperforming Donald Trump's fundraising efforts by $25 million.

According to Biden's campaign team, the remarkable fundraising success is attributed to the overwhelming support from grassroots donors, signaling a continuous growth in their backing month by month.

“While Trump cozies up to billionaires tonight at Mar-a-Lago to raise his money, Team Biden-Harris’ first-quarter haul was driven by the strength of our grassroots support, which continues to grow month over month,” the campaign said in their announcement.

This financial backing translates into tangible resources for the campaign's operational infrastructure, presence in key battleground states, and targeted voter engagement efforts.

Biden attributes his fundraising to 'grassroots donors.'mega

“The money we are raising is historic, and it’s going to the critical work of building a winning operation, focused solely on the voters who will decide this election – offices across the country, staff in our battleground states, and a paid media program meeting voters where they are,” said Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden-Harris 2024 campaign manager.

Meanwhile, Trump's campaign faced its own challenges, grappling with a cash-strapped operation that relies heavily on the support of billionaires to finance its activities, including mounting legal fees.

Despite raising $65.6 million in March and ending the month with $91.3 million cash on hand, Trump's campaign acknowledged that it does not have to match Biden's fundraising prowess to secure victory in the upcoming election.

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The contrast between the financial positions of both campaigns is stark, with Biden's team touting their record-high cash reserves and taking a jab at Trump's legal entanglements.

They point out that the total $100 million difference between the two campaigns "just so happens to be the same amount in legal fees Trump has paid since he left the White House.”

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