Doctor warns against taking boiling hot showers for five concerning reasons

Many love taking really hot showers, but standing under a boiling faucet could be doing more harm than you think.

A doctor has revealed five reasons why you should turn the temperature down, and you’ll definitely think twice after hearing them.

Man in the shower washing his head. Credit: Kryssia Campos (Getty Images)

Doctor warns against boiling showers

Medical practitioner Dr. Mahyar Maddahali, who goes by the name Dr. Max on TikTok, revealed that taking excessively hot showers can be really bad for your skin, hair and overall health.

“There are some natural oils on your skin that are keeping your skin moist. Hot water can wash them off completely so dryness can happen,” he began.

MedlinePlus lists taking long, hot baths or showers frequently as one of the key causes of dry skin, alongside skin conditions, cold winter air and certain medicines.

Maddahali added that too hot water can dilate your blood vessels under your skin, causing “redness and irritation”.

“Also too hot showers can cause hair damage,” he said, before revealing that regular boiling showers can sometimes cause fainting.

“If you’re taking hot showers for too long, it can drop your blood pressure and cause you to faint,” he said.

The doctor also explained that it can compromise your immune system, so it’s best to avoid taking your showers too hot.

Optimal shower temperature

Dermatologist Olga Bunimovich, MD, told Eating Well you should take your shower “lukewarm,” with the optimal temperature being between 98°F to 105°F (37°C to 40°C).

This is the perfect temperature to get the relaxing and cleaning benefits without scorching the skin and stripping its oils. She said that if your skin turns red, that’s a sign you’ve got the water too hot.

MedlinePlus recommends setting the temperature on your water heater to 120°F (49°C) to prevent burns.

Having a warm shower can have a number of health benefits, including muscle relaxation, better sleep and stress relief.

If you’re struggling with a cough or cold, it can also help with these respiratory symptoms, and the steam can help clear blemishes too.