Quick hitters: What Notre Dame DC Al Golden said in spring practice

Notre Dame defensive coordinator Al Golden. (Chad Weaver, Blue & Gold)

For the first time since signing a four-year contract extension with the Irish, Notre Dame defensive coordinator Al Golden spoke to reporters Saturday afternoon. He discussed recent changes to his defensive staff, his impressions of the new-look offense and several up-and-coming players at the linebacker position.

Here’s what Golden had to say.

On his four-year contract extension with Notre Dame

“I’m excited to be here. It’s a blessing obviously to be on the staff and work for this institution. And it’s even a greater blessing to be able to coach these kids. So, to me that’s what’s fun. That’s what makes you get up, work hard and do all the little things you’ve got to do to make these kids as good as they can be. And that’s what’s fun.”

On staff changes after ex-safeties coach Chris O’Leary took the same job with the Los Angeles Chargers

“I love our staff. Max [Bullough] deserved the promotion [to linebackers coach]. [Mike Mickens] deserves his promotion [to defensive backs coach]. [Special teams coordinator] Marty [Biagi] has been great in his supporting role. And we brought in some young talent in terms of quality control and [graduate assistants] who have really, really fortified the room. So, I love our staff. I love the direction that we’re going. Again, we’re in the first inning of this season. I mean, we’ve got a long way to go. I don’t even know if we’re out of the first inning and yet we’ve got to see who we are and how we develop and then go from there.”

On his impressions of new offensive coordinator Mike Denbrock’s scheme and players

“I think they do a great job and obviously excited about what he’s doing for us as a team, and then also excited when — I just saw [Mitchell Evans] walk by — when Mitch gets back and Riley [Leonard] is healthy. And there’s some other guys, I don’t know if I could talk about them or not. But just the full accompaniment. So, I’m excited for that and we’re really glad Mike’s here.”

On how he tries to build leadership among younger position groups like Notre Dame linebackers

“One of our biggest tenets is just empowerment. Let them let them figure things out — teach them how to fish, if you will. Don’t feed them. Don’t stand behind them during practice and tell them to get lined up here or lined up there or, ‘You should have done that.’ Don’t yell at them during the play or before the play. Let them learn how to do it. Let them go through it and let them learn how to make decisions. In other words, don’t create an environment where indecision is OK. Let them learn how to make a decision. And then when they come over to the sideline, we help them understand, ‘Well, maybe try this next time,’ or, ‘That was a great solution, but here’s what we would want to do in a game.’ So, that’s really how we’re based.”

On junior linebacker Jaylen Sneed’s spring

“Mature, settling in, fun to be around. Much more consistent. It’s slowing down for him. And again, starting to just see him do a lot of things well, whether it’s in the box, in the apex, third down, special teams — just, he’s talented. And he’s starting to turn it into skill, which is fun.”

On graduate linebacker Jack Kiser

“I thought Jack’s December was incredible. I thought Jack really focused on some things in December, and then if you look at him now, he’s 235 pounds and just strong. Jack could always run, but now he’s strong. He’s playing bigger in the box but still has the catch-up speed that you need to cover and do all those things. So, I’m really excited about Jack, and he’s really had a good spring.”

On if freshman linebacker Kyngstonn Viliamu-Asa can contribute on defense for Notre Dame this season

“He’s on track to. He’s an exceptional learner. He spends a lot of time at it. He really, really works hard at it. And he’s got a pro’s mentality, meaning to that day, he comes ready to go on the material that is being covered that day. And when it comes day after day, that’s what helps him stay ahead of it. And so, he’s ultra-competitive. He’s got size. He’s got lateral quickness. He can blitz inside. He can play the edge if we need him to do that. So, he’s doing a great job. I mean, he’s really attacked the spring, and we’ll see where it goes from there.”

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