'Cannot support this': Christian Republicans rebel against Trumps over pro-LGBT event

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump reflect during a moment of silence at the 9/11 Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., Sept. 11, 2017.

Christian Republicans are expressing frustration at Donald and Melania Trump after it was announced Melania would attend a fundraiser for the pro-LGBT group the Log Cabin Republicans at Mar-a-Lago later this month.

Raw Story recently reported on the event, noting that the former first lady, known for supporting LGBT rights, will help raise money for the group that was banned from the Texas Republican Party.

But not everyone is happy about that.

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Jenna Ellis, the Donald Trump attorney who tearfully pleaded guilty to 2020 election interference crimes, protested over the Trumps' involvement in the pro-LGBT cause.

Citing a Fox News article, Ellis said, "Melania’s first campaign fundraiser is a pro-LGBTQ Republican event."

"This is an example of something Trump is doing that zero Christians can support," Ellis added. "Even if you vote for him, which of course you should over Biden, Christ followers cannot support this... Where and when in conflict, I follow Christ over Trump."

In a separate post, Ellis said, "No person who truly loves or follows Christ is pro-LGBTQ," citing John 14:15.

Although some conservatives disagreed with Ellis, even arguing that "Homosexuality is no more of a sin than two unmarried people living together," others appeared to provide some back-up.

"All sin is NOT 'equal in the eyes of God', even as all crime is not equal in the eyes of man. Thats a fallacy. Pride is a sin, but it’s not equal to murder in the eyes of God," wrote Pastor Darrell Scott, a former advisor to Trump himself.

One user, @Lamar1106, added, "This is why I will NOT be voting for him. Lockdown, vaccine, trans-Trump is not getting my vote. I'm focusing on local elections only."

Another user, @pehzdispy, wrote, "Once again, Christless conservatism is the problem."

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