'It gets worse': Former prosecutor slams Trump's newest 'utterly astonishing message'

Donald Trump on Saturday posted a video purportedly about his "virtues," but that is not what the message conveys, according to a former federal prosecutor.

Trump posted the eight minute and 20 second video to his Truth Social platform without any context other than the title, "TRUMP'S VIRTUES."

The video itself opens with Thomas Klingenstein, self identified as a writer, a playwright, and an investor, calling on those who "can't stand" Trump to support the former president nonetheless.

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But former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance had some criticism of the video on Saturday.

"This is an utterly astonishing message for a candidate for the presidency to embrace. And, just a clue, it's not about virtues," she said on social media. "It starts with a command-even if you can't stand Trump, you must get behind him. Has any candidate ever run like that? It gets worse."

She continued, saying that "GOP voters shouldn't care if he's a conservative, a role model for children, or modest & dignified--I suppose that's a good message because Trump is none of the things quite obviously."

"The tone & pacing of the video carries an echo of WWII fascism that makes me feel queasy," she added.

Vance added that "the important message Trump endorses about himself" is that, "He knows we're in a war" and "he knows how to win."

"Who is the enemy? It's us. You and me. It's Democrats. It's anyone who doesn't support Trump, anyone who is other. Believe him when he tells us who he is before it's too late," she said.

Finally, Vance concluded:

"This isn't the kind of thread where you can like the tweets-it's too awful, but please do retweet it. Trump posted this on Truth Social. People need to see this."

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