A 'Remarkable' Queen? Camilla Branded 'One of the Best Things to Happen to Royal Family in Years' Despite Bitter Diana Comparisons

Queen Camilla cannot escape Diana, Princess of Wales' 'shadow.'MEGA

Queen Camilla has been praised as "remarkable" as the royal consort wins praise for stepping up for the monarchy during King Charles III and Kate, Princess of Wales' cancer battles. This led royal expert Charles Rae to state that Her Majesty is: "One of the best things to happen to the royal family in years."

Even with the Queen's praise spreading far and wide, many cannot forget the pain she caused the King's first wife, the late, "iconic" Diana, Princess of Wales.


"There's no question about it, she stepped into the breach," Rae added. "She's got everything on her shoulders with what's going on, and she's taking on even more work. Everywhere she goes, she has got a cheery smile on and a happy face. She says the right things."

He continued: "She has proved to be a remarkable asset to the royal family, given the allegations that at one time she had bread rolls thrown at her in a supermarket car park. I remember her when she was the most hated woman in Britain. I've met her several times and she's charming, she's witty, she's really nice to chat to, and certainly when she's chatting to people, she has done her homework as to who she's chatting to."

Diana, Princess of Wales, confronted the then-Camilla Parker-Bowles at a party in 1989.MEGA

The now Queen began having an affair with the then-Prince Charles in the mid-1980s, at a time when both were married to Andrew Parker-Bowles and Diana, Princess of Wales, respectively. This was a resumption of their relationship that began in the early 1970s but ended once Camilla decided to marry Andrew. Their romance would eventually surface in the early '90s, when "Camillagate" made the headlines and kicked off the "War of the Waleses" between Charles and Diana.

Andrew and Camilla divorced in 1995, and the Prince and Princess of Wales followed suit in 1996. After Diana's tragic death in August 1997, any plans to slowly introduce Camilla to the British public were immediately halted and remained that way for two years. The couple appeared together in public for the first time in 1999, but it would be another six years before any talk of marriage became viable.

King Charles III was diagnosed with cancer in February 2024. MEGA

But these days, the King has "still got his sense of humor. He even at one stage was ticking off the Queen, because she seemed to be taking a little bit longer talking to the people," Rae shared about King Charles' state of health amid his cancer treatments. "He was desperate to be there because it's a very important event in the royal calendar. And I think he wanted to ensure that as many people could see him and get close to him as possible, to show that he is on the road to recovery."

King Charles with Queen Camilla in early 2024. MEGA

GBN reported on Rae's remarks.